For applicants

Check out our current job offers. Are you interested in some? Then send us your CV. Send it even in case you did not find your dream job in the offers. We will arrange a consultation and discuss with you what opportunities you have and how to get the job you are looking for.


During the interview, which can be conducted personally or over the phone, we will talk about your visions, requirements and education. We will test your knowledge of foreign languages ​​and any other skills required by your chosen position.

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Prepare for an interview

Preparation is the key to success, which is also key for job interviews. Whether it is an interview with a potential employer or a recruitment agency.

  • Be relaxed and on time for the interview. Plan your journey well. In case you are late, apologize as soon as possible. Late arrival may be the reason for your non-acceptance.
  • Dress appropriately. Financial institutions, foreign companies and managerial positions always place higher demands on the formality of clothing.
  • Find basic information and news about the company on the Internet. Prepare questions about the company and the position you are apply for. You will show your interest in the job and get useful information.

Questions you may encounter at the interview

  • What do you know about our company?
  • Which other companies in the field do you find interesting?
  • In what thing do you excel? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Describe the most important project you have worked on so far?
  • What are your business goals? What motivates you to achieve these goals?
  • Describe your leadership style – what type of people are difficult to lead?
  • Describe the situation that was, as a manager, difficult to manage?
  • When were you not satisfied with your work performance? What have you learned from this situation?
  • Have you encountered a situation that looked unsolvable? How did you deal with it?

Create an attractive CV

The CV is not only your personal card, but also the possibility to immediately attract the HR or employer. Take care of it. It may influence the decision whether you will be invite for an interview or not.

What is the structure of a CV?

  • Contact information
    This includes the name, including any title, telephone number, email and address, if any. If you have a LinkedIn profile or website, do not forget to mention them.

  • Professional experience
    Sort your jobs chronologically – from the most recent to the oldest. In addition to the name of the company for which you have worked, include the name of the position, the length of employment and more detailed job description. For the last two employers, you can be more detailed in the job description. Take a special care of this part – it is the most important part of your CV.

  • Education
    List all completed educational institutions and courses from high school upwards. Always write the full name of the school, the period of study and the level of education. Mention the ongoing studies as well.

  • Other skills
    Here you can sell your IT skills and language skills. It is good to specify the level of skill – for example, beginner, intermediate, advanced, fluent. List all computer programs that you can work with and that are relevant to the demanded position. Mention if you have a driving license. Your CV should not exceed two A4.

    TIP: You do not need to write a headline as Curriculum Vitae or CV. Everyone knows what the document is. Rather, write your name in a clearly readable font.

What does the CV include?

In addition to the job description, describe the achieved results and success. Have you managed to fulfill your business plans above the level or negotiate an important deal? Show what did you prove.

What does not belong in the CV?

Skip information about marital status, number of children, health status or criminal record. Beware of inappropriate photos – for example from holidays, in swimsuits or selfie. Beware of grammatical mistakes and typing errors, have your CV reviewed by someone else.

Take care at the look of CV

A visual impression is also important for a CV. The sections should be structured and clear. Among other candidates, you can excel if the information is graphically interesting. On the Internet you will find various online tools for creating attractive CVs.

What does a great CV look like?

In cooperation with a graphic designer we have created three templates for you, which you can download and edit as you like. After editing we recommend converting your CV into PDF. CV Template for Creative, CV Template for Business and Managers, Universal CV Template (also for graduates).

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